Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Self-Proclaimed Elite

The self-proclaimed elite, those people that have achieved something in life and, indeed, they have. I'm not talking about the mega financial successes in the world, the footballers, actors, supemodels etc. I'm talking about those people that we sit next to on the train, pass in the street, drink next to (or even worse, drink with) in the pubs, stand behind in the queue at HMV, Sainsburys or wherever it might be. Good tip: you probably won't find them in the McDonalds queue because they're too educated and smart to be caught in a place like that; maybe that's why I like McDonalds so much recently? They've been lucky enough to attend university, some of them going on to post-graduate study: MA's, MSC's and so forth. Now that they've been out of formal education for a while, having the opportunity to mature as a young adult and because of their mastery of the particular field in which they work - factor in with this that they have seen the 'real world' at some point with a wad of cash, two credit cards and that golden lotto ticket: the UK/British passport in their pocket - leads them to believe that they are superior in some way, shape or form to their fellow countrymen and anyone else that doesn't fit into their idea of a decent, educated, self-aware human being.

Yes, I've been to university and, lucky old me, I'm looking into the prospect of doing a Masters Degree in the near future and yes I too have been abroad with my little red EU passport armed with two credit cards to ensure my comfort and safety whilst globe-trotting. Hypocrite? No, I say with firm conviction. Why? Because I don't hold the same values and opinions as those that I refer to. I'm not in their cliquey little group. I have no desire to be.

Each individual of the SPE (self-proclaimed elite) has his or her own circumstantial niche of knowledge. This individual contribution of knowledge is what gains the respect of the collective. The SPE claim their deep understanding of global issues and daily suffering that occurs throughout our world. Their globe-trotting experiences together with further research back home allows us to witness their compassion for the under-privileged living and struggling in the developing world. Indeed, this is highly commendable, I too feel compassion for those much, much less fortunate than myself. However, the question I pose is this: Why, when it comes to their own kind i.e. nationality and race, do they switch into hard, cold-hearted classists with no desire to understand who their fellow countryman really is, prefering to disrespect him, close him off, leave him outside with no way of getting in?

Sixty odd years ago a similar, yet extreme version of this attitude, led to the execution of six million Jews. Am I living alongside modern day Nazis disguised as my local acquaintances, fellow commuters, neighbours and so called comrades?


Unknown said...

Makes sense, Tone.
We should discuss your political slant on the middle class and mortgage hysteria over a few beers sometime soon.
Curry round your way next time?


Leigh-Ervin Jackson said...

Cracking post Dan...

I will be re-visiting and adding your link to my page...
